Helminthic infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality, particularly in tropical and developing countries.
The majority of infected individuals has a low worm burden and is asymptomatic.
Dermatologic symptoms and cutaneous findings may be associated with or present features of many helminthic infections.
Returned travelers and immigrants from endemic areas may differ in the dermatologic manifestations of helminthic infection.
Migratory lesions, subcutaneous masses, papular eruptions, urticaria, and pruritus are the most common presenting symptoms of helminthic infections.
Cutaneous larva migrans is the most common helminthic dermatosis identified.
Recognition of skin findings or helminthic infections and an appropriate epidemiologic history can guide appropriate investigations and effective therapy.
Helminths (worms) are variably sized multicellular parasites that can infect a wide range of mammals, including humans. Those causing human disease belong to 3 groups: nematodes (roundworms), trematodes (flukes), and cestodes (tapeworms); trematodes and cestodes are collectively referred to as platyhelminths (flatworms). A variety of helminths can infect humans and cause cutaneous findings (Table 177-1).1,2 This chapter focuses on those helminths that are notable for causing dermatologic disease.