Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology, in its ninth edition now, remains the most authoritative and comprehensive source of information for those interested in the clinical and basic science of dermatology. Widely read around the world, it is the gold-standard textbook in dermatology and is designed to be read by practicing clinicians, medical trainees, and skin scientists when they want a complete and extensive overview of any dermatologic topic. Although comprehensive, the patient management sections in Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology are not presented in a format that facilitates easy and quick access for busy practicing clinicians who want to review treatment options at the bedside. The idea for Fitzpatrick’s Therapeutics arose to fill this gap.
As a companion to Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology, this new book is succinct in its content, with a brief summary of key features of the clinical condition of interest and then treatment options (topical, systemic, and procedural when appropriate) presented in a tabular format, with acknowledgment of the level of evidence that exists for each. Proper dosing, suggested monitoring, and potential adverse reactions are listed. Each chapter also starts with a world expert in the subject area overviewing his or her therapeutic approach to managing the disease condition. Furthermore, important new treatments under development are also mentioned and will be updated with subsequent editions.
For active practitioners of dermatology, both the printed Fitzpatrick’s Therapeutics textbook and its electronic version will provide a quick and easy access to an up-to-date, comprehensive, and reliable compilation of treatment considerations for their patients.
We are proud and excited to have produced this reference in dermatologic therapeutics. It will not only aid the practitioners of dermatology but also, ultimately, our patients.
Sewon Kang
Chee Leok Goh
Noori Kim
Shawn Kwatra