RT Book, Section A1 Wah, Yu A1 Usatine, Richard P. A2 Usatine, Richard P. A2 Smith, Mindy A. A2 Mayeaux, Jr., E.J. A2 Chumley, Heidi S. SR Print(0) ID 1164360162 T1 Nummular Eczema T2 The Color Atlas and Synopsis of Family Medicine, 3e YR 2019 FD 2019 PB McGraw-Hill Education PP New York, NY SN 9781259862045 LK dermatology.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=1164360162 RD 2025/02/07 AB A 2-year-old Hispanic boy presents to the clinic with erythematous, round, moist, crusted lesions on the left thigh (Figure 154-1) and right arm. His mother noted several small bumps initially, which developed into coin-shaped lesions over the next few weeks. The child is scratching them but is otherwise healthy. A KOH preparation of the scraping from the lesions did not show fungal structures. The child responds well to treatment with topical midpotency corticosteroids, emollients, and dressing in long-sleeved clothes to prevent scratching the lesions. His nummular eczema resolved in 6 weeks.