RT Book, Section A1 Baumann, Leslie S. A2 Baumann, Leslie S. A2 Rieder, Evan A. A2 Sun, Mary D. SR Print(0) ID 1190666890 T1 Basic Science of the Dermis T2 Baumann’s Cosmetic Dermatology, 3e YR 2022 FD 2022 PB McGraw Hill LLC PP New York, NY SN 9780071794190 LK dermatology.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=1190666890 RD 2025/02/16 AB SUMMARY POINTSWhat’s Important?Fibroblasts produce collagen, elastin precursors, and ECM constituents such as hyaluronic acid and heparan sulfate.Young skin is characterized by elongated fibroblasts that are more productive (synthesize more collagen and ECM components) than those in older skin.Old fibroblasts become compact and have less connection to the ECM.What’s New?The tissue skeleton connects the fibroblast genomic DNA to the ECM.The fibroblast connects to the ECM and exerts “mechanoforces” that affect gene expression.Geometrical changes in the nucleus of the fibroblast influence gene transcription.The matrisome, or microenvironment of the ECM, affects the gene expression of fibroblasts.Papillary fibroblasts and reticular fibroblasts exhibit a 29% difference in gene expression1 and different cell markers.What’s Coming?Linkers of the nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton (LINCS) are connected to genomic DNA. Research is ongoing to understand how LINCS affects DNA expression and to which signals they respond.Ongoing research is assessing the tissue skeleton and modulations that occur with aging.More is to be learned about epigenetics and the effects on fibroblast function.More will be learned about cannabinoid receptors and fibroblasts.